Blog of Authlib, the ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect servers.
Sep 19, 2023
HMAC-SHA256 for OAuth 1.0
Implement HMAC-SHA256 signature method for OAuth 1.0 client
Feb 19, 2023
Generating EC keys with OpenSSL
Tips on how to generate EC keys with openssl command line tool.
May 30, 2020
Google login for FastAPI
An example of how to implement OpenID Connect clients in FastAPI.
May 06, 2020
Create Twitter login for FastAPI
An example of how to implement OAuth 1.0 clients in FastAPI.
Oct 01, 2019
Upload to Google Cloud Storage from Browser Directly
A Guide on how to upload your photos, audios and any other files to Google Cloud Storage from your browsers directly.
Jan 01, 2019
Switch to BSD License
Authlib will be released under BSD license from next release.
May 21, 2018
Migrate OAuth Client from Flask-OAuthlib to Authlib
A guide on how to migrate OAuth client from Flask-OAuthlib to Authlib, and why.
May 21, 2018
Using Authlib with gspread
A guide on how to use Authlib in gspread instead of Google oauth2client.
May 08, 2018
Thanks Auth0 for Sponsoring Authlib
A thank you post to Authlib's sponsor Auth0. Other sponsors are welcome.
May 05, 2018
Multipart Upload to Google Cloud Storage with Authlib
Uploading files to Google Cloud Storage using requests instead of Google Python Client.